Saskatchewan Immigration Nominee Program (SINP) Farm Owner/Operator Category and Young Farmer Stream

Saskatchewan, often referred to as the breadbasket of Canada boasts a thriving agricultural sector that plays a pivotal role in the province's economy and identity. Recognizing the significance of agriculture and the need for skilled farm owners and operators, the Saskatchewan Immigration Nominee Program (SINP) introduced the Farm Owner/Operator Category.

This initiative offers a pathway to permanent residency for entrepreneurs with experience in farm ownership and operation, aligning with the province's goal of sustaining and enhancing its agricultural industry. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of the SINP Farm Owner/Operator Category, exploring its eligibility criteria, the application process, and the journey towards achieving permanent residency in Saskatchewan.

Understanding the Categories

The SINP Farm Owner/Operator Category encompasses two distinct streams: the Farm Owner/Operator Category and the Young Farmer Stream. Each stream caters to different demographics of prospective farm owners and operators, providing tailored pathways to permanent residency in Saskatchewan.

Eligibility Criteria



Central to both streams is the requirement of a minimum of three years of hands-on experience in farm operation. This criterion underscores the program's emphasis on selecting individuals with practical knowledge and skills essential for managing agricultural enterprises effectively.


Net Worth

Financial stability is a key consideration for prospective farm owners and operators. Under the Farm Owner/Operator Category, applicants must demonstrate a minimum net worth of CAD 500,000, while those applying through the Young Farmer Stream are required to have a net worth of at least CAD 300,000. To ensure the veracity of financial claims, applicants must enlist the services of a professional third party recognized by the SINP to verify their net worth.


Minimum Investment

Commitment to the agricultural sector is demonstrated through a substantial investment in farm operations. Both streams mandate a minimum investment of CAD 150,000 or more in the applicant's farm venture. This investment is outlined in detail within the Commercial Farming Proposal, providing insight into the applicant's proposed business endeavors.


Business Ownership

Ownership stake in the agricultural enterprise is a pivotal aspect of the eligibility criteria. Applicants must hold a minimum share of 33.3% in their farming business, reaffirming their commitment and stake in the venture. However, this requirement is waived for applicants investing CAD 1 million or more, acknowledging substantial financial contributions to the agricultural sector.


Intent Grid Score

The Intent Grid Score serves as a quantitative measure of the applicant's intention to reside and contribute to Saskatchewan's agricultural community. Achieving a minimum score of 55 points on the Intent Grid is imperative for both streams, reflecting the applicant's alignment with the program's objectives and priorities.

Application Process

Research and Preparation

Prospective applicants embark on their journey by conducting thorough research and assessing their eligibility against the program’s requirements. Preparation entails setting aside the necessary funds, including the non-refundable processing fee of CAD 2,500 and the refundable Good Faith Deposit of CAD 75,000.

Additionally, applicants are required to undertake an exploratory visit to Saskatchewan, spanning a minimum of five business days. During this visit, applicants engage with local service professionals, explore potential farm locations, and compile their observations in an Exploratory Visit Report. This firsthand experience provides invaluable insights into the agricultural landscape of Saskatchewan and informs the applicant’s decision-making process.

Application Preparation

With thorough preparation underway, applicants begin gathering the requisite documentation for their SINP Farm Category Application. This documentation encompasses a diverse range of materials, including personal identification documents, proof of farm ownership and operation experience, financial statements, and the Commercial Farming Proposal outlining the proposed investment and business plan.


Furthermore, applicants must ensure that all documentation is accurately translated into English or French, as per program requirements. It is pertinent to note that translations must be conducted by a qualified individual other than the applicant’s spouse, family member, or the third party involved in preparing the application.


Inclusion of family members, including spouses, common-law partners, and dependent children, is integral to the application process. The comprehensive nature of the application underscores the applicant’s commitment to establishing roots and contributing to the fabric of Saskatchewan’s agricultural community.

Submission and Verification

Upon completion of the application package, applicants submit their materials to the SINP office in Saskatoon, either through courier or in person. Subsequently, the SINP undertakes a thorough review of the submitted documents, ensuring completeness and compliance with program requirements.


Upon successful initial screening, applicants receive a unique SINP file number, marking the commencement of the verification process. Applicants are then required to provide their documents for third-party verification within one year, with the verification conducted by a professional designated by the SINP.

Assessment and Interview

Following the verification of documents, the SINP proceeds with the assessment of the applicant’s eligibility and suitability for the program. This assessment encompasses a holistic review of the applicant’s qualifications, experience, financial standing, and intent to reside and contribute to Saskatchewan’s agricultural sector.


During this stage, applicants may be contacted by the SINP and requested to provide additional documentation or attend an in-person interview. The interview serves as an opportunity for applicants to further elucidate their intentions and qualifications, reinforcing their candidacy for the program.

Nomination and Permanent Residency

Upon successful assessment, qualified applicants receive a Nomination Approval document from the SINP, signifying their endorsement for permanent residency in Saskatchewan. Subsequently, applicants are issued a Request for Deposit letter, outlining the requirements for the refundable Good Faith Deposit of CAD 75,000.

Upon completion of the deposit and the return of a signed Business Performance Agreement to the SINP, applicants receive a Confirmation of Nomination letter, paving the way for the final steps towards permanent residency. Applicants are then directed to apply for permanent residence through Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), initiating the formal immigration process.


As part of the permanent residency application process, applicants undergo health and security checks, ensuring their admissibility to Canada. In certain cases, applicants may be required to attend an in-person interview as part of the screening process.


Upon arrival in Saskatchewan, applicants are required to attend a special “Landing Interview,” further reaffirming their commitment to establishing roots in the province. Following the successful completion of the landing interview, applicants commence operations on their farm, adhering to the goals outlined in the Business Performance Agreement.

The Saskatchewan Immigration Nominee Program (SINP) Farm Owner/Operator Category offers a viable pathway to permanent residency for individuals with a passion for agriculture and a vision for entrepreneurial success. By navigating the intricate eligibility criteria and diligently following the application process, prospective farm owners and operators can realize their aspirations of establishing thriving agricultural enterprises in Saskatchewan.

The program’s comprehensive approach, encompassing stringent eligibility criteria, thorough documentation requirements, and a robust verification process, underscores Saskatchewan’s commitment to selecting qualified candidates poised to make meaningful contributions to the province’s agricultural landscape.

As aspiring agriculturalists embark on their journey towards permanent residency, they not only fulfill their personal aspirations but also contribute to the vitality and sustainability of Saskatchewan’s agricultural sector. Through perseverance, dedication, and a steadfast commitment to excellence, applicants can embark on a transformative journey towards building a prosperous future in the heart of Canada’s agricultural heartland.