Very important! Many jobs are filled through referrals, so networking is key. Join LinkedIn groups, attend industry events, and connect with professio...
Canada relies heavily on credit scores, which affect your ability to get loans, mortgages, and even rent an apartment. You can build credit by getting...
If you’re self-employed, you must report your income on your personal tax return and pay Canada Pension Plan (CPP) contributions. Unlike employees, yo...
If you believe your employer is not paying you properly, denying breaks, or violating workplace safety laws, you have the right to report it to your p...
Yes! Government programs like Canada’s Job Bank, immigrant settlement services, and bridging programs help newcomers find work. Organizations like ACC...
Jobs in healthcare, agriculture, construction, trucking, and hospitality often have shortages, making it easier to get hired. If you have experience i...
Absolutely! Canada has ambitious immigration targets and continues to welcome skilled workers, students, and families. The government is constantly up...
Don’t panic! If you already have some work experience, you might still qualify for PR. If not, you’ll need to find a new employer as soon as possible ...
Having an 'Identity Verified' badge or being 'Identity Verified' simply indicates that an individual has submitted information to complete our identity verification process or we have conducted internal verification using various authorized websites. While this process includes safeguards, it does not guarantee that the person is who they claim to be.
If you encounter any issues with this profile, please report them here. While all consultants who are verified have RCIC ID, we may not have the latest data in terms of their renewal/cancellation/discontinuation of their RCIC ID.
The "Verified Consultants" profiles are created using publicly available information, including data from the IRCC website, official consultant sites, other listing platforms, and social media. is an independent platform, not affiliated with IRCC or any registered immigration consultants. To update, claim, or remove your profile, please contact us at [email protected].