Qualifying for the Quebec Experience Program (PEQ) – Quebec Graduate Stream

The Quebec Experience Program (PEQ), particularly the Quebec Graduate Stream, presents an opportunity for qualified international students, currently holding a valid study permit, to pursue permanent residency after successfully completing approved full-time studies in Quebec and gaining requisite work experience.

Changes and Transitional Measures

Effective July 22, 2020, significant changes were implemented in the PEQ requirements. These alterations aim to streamline the immigration process and ensure that candidates meet the evolving needs of the Quebec labor market. Additionally, transitional measures are in place for candidates already residing in Quebec when the amendments were made, providing a smoother transition and minimizing disruption to ongoing applications.

Admission and Study Permit

To qualify for the PEQ program, international students must first gain admission to an eligible study program offered by a recognized institution in Quebec. Upon acceptance, securing a study permit for Canada becomes imperative. This ensures that students have the legal authorization to pursue their studies in Quebec, laying the groundwork for future immigration applications.

Qualifying Conditions for the Quebec PEQ Program (Graduate of Quebec Stream)


Educational Qualification

Candidates must demonstrate the successful completion of an eligible diploma, which encompasses a wide range of educational credentials. These include but are not limited to bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees (including MBA programs), doctorates, as well as diplomas of college studies (DEC) and vocational studies (DEP). The diversity of eligible diplomas reflects Quebec’s commitment to accommodating students from various academic backgrounds and fields of study.


Residency Requirement

An essential criterion for PEQ eligibility is residency in Quebec. Candidates must have resided temporarily in Quebec for at least half of the duration of their study program while holding a valid study permit. Adherence to the conditions of the study permit is crucial, demonstrating the candidate’s commitment to complying with Canadian immigration regulations and integrating into Quebec society.


Work Experience

Upon completing their studies, candidates must accrue relevant work experience to qualify for permanent residency. The nature and duration of work experience vary depending on the candidate’s educational attainment. For instance, holders of technical college diplomas, bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, or doctorates are required to have a full-time work experience of at least 12 months, whereas those with diplomas of vocational studies (DEP) may need 18 months of full-time work experience. The job held must align with specific National Occupational Classification (NOC) levels, ensuring that candidates contribute to Quebec’s labor market needs.


French Language Proficiency

Proficiency in the French language is paramount for successful integration into Quebec society. Candidates must demonstrate advanced intermediate oral French proficiency through various means, including completing studies in French, providing French test results, or obtaining a professional license with language requirements fulfilled. This proficiency requirement underscores Quebec’s commitment to preserving its Francophone identity and promoting linguistic diversity.


Application Submission

Timing is crucial when submitting a PEQ application. Candidates must ensure that they meet the deadline, which stipulates that applications must be submitted within 36 months following the receipt of the degree or diploma. Notably, candidates are no longer permitted to apply six months before obtaining their diploma, emphasizing the importance of completing studies and providing necessary documents before initiating the immigration process.


Financial Requirements

Proof of financial capability is essential to support oneself and any accompanying dependents during the study period and beyond. This includes covering tuition fees, estimated at $15,000 annually, as well as living expenses. Applicants must provide evidence of unencumbered available funds to meet these financial obligations, ensuring they can sustain themselves financially while pursuing their educational and immigration goals in Quebec.

The Quebec Experience Program offers a pathway to permanent residency for international students, provided they meet stringent requirements regarding education, residency, work experience, language proficiency, and financial capability. Navigating through these conditions requires careful planning, adherence to deadlines, and a thorough understanding of program criteria. By fulfilling these requirements, candidates can embark on a journey toward permanent residency in Quebec, contributing to the province’s diverse and vibrant society while pursuing their academic and career aspirations.